Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7 Women, that you can never date

When Sergeant Scott Moore, a Marine stationed in Afghanistan, has been given the floor, Mila Kunis hadaccepted video invitation for the bullet Marine Corps, come November, it excited wasprobably. But now, after the chaos of media reached its full capacity, wordhas been Kunis will draw two films in November and would probably not etde do it while herrep denies that it saves, we are also not totally surprised. A woman as Kunismust be almost impossible to date, has held his hectic schedule. It can be a sweetheart, butwe adds women over-scheduled to this list of seven women that you can never. Show uswrong, Mila!We should add before that we have started, in General, toavoid base these ladies have nothing to do with the woman herself, but there to dowith its consistency in your life 1 - your best friend sisterThe woman you know better will often appeal to you most. But if she is your sister, bestfriend getting lucky can mean two months of pleasure, followed by the need to move toanother part of the city. It makes the "7 women that you can never date" for listbecause, as soon as sis love become, you will walk on eggshells with your partner.Gone are the days of complaints to your friend on the problems of yourwomen, because the conflict of interest ruins of good times and the first all make a mess of things, he will probably want to disable your ass.  2-Your SecretaryThere are many reasons to keep your mitts off the coast of the aid. Can you in all kinds of problems - legal and otherwise - should the relationship go to the South. But, even if the thefling goes well, you have problems. Soon, you'll be tempted to push the limits of what youcan with impunity in the workplace, perhaps in the janitorial closet. Love by considers is a huge distraction of your work, especially if you're in free ofher. Others see, what you do. Worse still, when relationshipends, it will benefit leverage you and may use it only by gossip about whathappened in the aforementioned closet. 3 in AB-girlfriendEx-friends is one of the 7 women you can never. Yet, set the ex girlfriend becomesincreasingly attractive po solitude after several years of eating the only threemeals you know how you prepare, you can easily get blown when it follows the on chickenparmesan a night with chicken marsala then. She may clean your a daywhile apartment you should get loaded at the time of the cocktail and you'llwant him permanently. Solitude you will forget the reason why two of the youbroke to first instance, but you should jump in the relationship, these reasonswill and resurface in short time.  Trailer 4-hot girl you saw Maury Povich? Is this show a warning for you if you fought hard to hooker with a heart of gold. It: fool s gold - trailer hot girl is definitelyone of 7 girls that you can never. The scenario goes something like this: you program club enjoys the company of a young woman whose chest rub against you, the liketwo Beach sea lions, and therefore you confused. Enjoy one-nuit blanche, but the next time that see you at the bar of time that you would be wise to put an end to the Dennys eat a great Slambreakfast. Who is the final 3 7 women can you neverdate...

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