First Lady France Carla Brunijust announced that it expects her first child with husband, French President NicolasSarkozy. Although the former fantastic research of 43 years, her pregnancy nodoubt dummy takes its fees on his sexy physics. Even if it already has a son, who is almost rated old from a previous relationship, having a baby in her garden to make your changes to the herbody pregnancy more cruel. But before going there, we willsay that there is little more beautiful than a pregnant... remotely.When you get closer, you notice that most pregnant women are covered with bristlyhairs, patches Daubs and a wealth of skin tags. So wonderful and miraculous pregnancy can be, it also announces if intense of puberty who resembles an advocate changes. Come along aswe examine the many ways terrifying your woman's body will change in the herpregnancy. It turn into a gasbagYou by the way you feel after eating five books of sausages? Your wife is likelyfeel in the same way, during her pregnancy, as she fights against excessive bloatingand, the level of gas. The average person passes gas 14 to 23 times a day, but often the stinking pregnantwomen double output with more ofprogesterone to normal levels. This hormone relaxes smooth muscle tissue in the digestive tract, whereby your his wife - and odour - as it is all right to contest achili eater. Complicating matters more is the fact that a woman womb ' sgrowing neglects his abdominal cavity slowing digestion and causes of painfulbloating.It gets Droolit dreams of man all women drooling over him and during pregnancy, which is precisely what is happening. Many pregnant women suffer from ptyalism, a hormonalcondition, leading to excessive saliva production. Ptyalism is most likely to occur during the period of the quarter, but it affects some women during the entire length of the theirpregnancy, which makes their saliva almost as difficult to swallow your story on how to up to 3 h 00.Elle youwere will win natural enough weightIt for a woman to win the weightduring pregnancy, but some men are not sufficiently prepared for the many real ofpounds packs of their joint venture. According to the most recent data of the Institute of Medicine, should mean healthy women earn between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. It. seven of these books expected the child himself, with the rest of the weightdivided between the placenta, amniotic fluid, the muscular layer of the uterus, the additionalfluid and blood and 57 quarts of Chunky Monkey, she has eaten her last quarter.It will be hemorrhoidsPregnancy can be a challenge to the best of times, but for many women, it'sliterally a pain in the ass. This is because a woman uterus putspressure on pelvic cavity of growth veins, thus slowing the return of the blood of the ofher half less of the body and increase the pressure on the veins in her uterus. This causes theveins to be more distended and can lead to painful hemorrhoids and constipation. Thisproblem is further complicated by pressure on a woman the rectum of baby hergrowing. Assemble all, and it is easy to see why so many women have difficultygetting at ease in the final stages of their pregnancy.It will develop hobbit feetYou know what they say about men with large feet? Of course, you, you have been sayingit since you may have noticed that you had the biggest feet of all your friends. But you knowwhat say you about women with large feet? They are likely to become pregnant. That'sbecause pregnant women suffer from edema, abnormal accumulation of fluid under theskin. This condition can cause swelling of the hands and face, but it is especiallyevident in a foot of the pregnant woman and ankles because its putspressure of the uterus growing on pelvic cavity veins causing blood to pool in his lower extremities. Edemagenerally occurs in the third quarter and is at its worst in warm weather and the end of the day. The swelling usually disappears after the birth, but some women find that their feet never return to their original size.Moreways your body for pregnancy wife be amended next...
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