Scientists have published evidence of a new gonorrhoea "superbug" - oneresistant to all kinds of antibiotics, which are available for treatment. Observers Althoughmany of the scientific community has called this an "alarming" development, few are surprised. Gonorrhea is one of the most common STD in the world, and he showed anotable tends to mutate to survive antibiotic treatment. Fatal Althoughgonorrhea - again - it can cause serious complications for health is leftuntreated and can leave women can bear children. This new servesto just reinforces the importance of how to identify the MTS when you think you have an and perhaps more importantly, the importance of safe sexual practices. The theme of sexual transmitteddiseases (STD) is unpleasant. Alsoknown as sexual diseases and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (after Venus, the goddess of love theRoman), the reported cases of STDs was numbers foryears epidemic. Despite having become more controlled in North America, AIDS is terrifying sit-ins in perspective, and is only one of the many Std there. Great publicitysurrounding as AIDS have left us a little more ignorant about other STDs, which cannot be bedeadly but pose greater threats. The big problem with any STD is his sneaky capabilityto go unnoticed. Symptoms can vary wounds canker, urination painful anddischarge, from flu headache and pain. Many men and women wear STD bacterium or virusesfor years without visible symptoms and give them to their public sexualpartners without suspicion. Here is a list of STD symptoms and treatments so you alittle more well informed on how to protect you and your partner. STD breakdownThere are two types of sexually transmitted infections: bacterial and viral. Biggestdifference between the two is that infection bacterial character response antibiotictreatments. Viral infections have no cure. Here is a breakdown of the two most common Std, their symptoms and their respective treatments dii.Iscontracted of STDChlamydia Chlamydia bacterial, contact oral, vaginal or anal or by touching your eyes after touchingthe parties genital infected partner. Symptoms in men and women: painful penis and vaginal voiding or sore throat oral contact.GonorrheaGonorrhea is a bacterial STDs, which presents the differingsymptoms of men and women. Symptoms in men and women: experience of pain Menoften all landfill urinating and the penis, while half full of all the womenexperience no symptoms whatsoever. Gonorrhea untreated in men and women can result in illness inflammatory topelvic. Women could bring their fertility. Viral STD AIDS acronym foracquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS is an epidemic of thatresult symptoms and infections of the immune system from damage caused by the virus of human immunodeficiency (HIV). AIDS may be asymptomatic or thepatient may experience flu-like symptoms may disappear for many years before the onset of AIDS all over the place. AIDS is characterized by fever, loss of weight, fatigue, diarrhea, infections andopportunistic such as the rare form of cancer (Kaposi's Sarcoma) and pneumonia (PCP). Treatment consists of a combination of antiviral drugs, proteaseinhibitors and other drugs. Any person who never - never summer - or be sexually active is at risk. Abstinence is the only true form of protection against the theseinfections. Tanks, condoms were the only form of STD prevention? Thinkagain...
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