When Caylee Anthony disappeared in 2008, I took the news with a sick heart coverage. I hugged my daughter old 6 a bit more strict and whispered multiple prayers of Thanksgiving for his safety. Caylee history made me imagine what it would be like to have a child disappear, and these thoughts I terrified on a level, that I knew not existed.
When it became clear that Caylee would probably come home safely, the nation learned more about her mother, Casey. A young mother, single with a series of irresponsible, it was clear that it was not prepared to be a parent. And as I have my own children, is not only the history of Caylee which I fear, it was Casey. Like Caylee brought the spirit of my daughter, Casey reminded me of myself when it was first born. Poll: Would you Date a person accused of murder?
When I was 21 and in a relationship that I knew was not going anywhere, I learned that I was pregnant. I was in college and evening waiting tables. I have worked and studied hard and partied even more difficult. I could write a literary essay mean and nailed all my exams. I didn't know, however, what to do with a baby. Regardless, I felt strongly that keep my baby was the right decision. I had the support of my family and had not yet exceeded the assumption I was invincible. People had babies every day, and I was near a college degree, intelligent and perfectly capable of being the best single MOM never finish. I was an idiot.
When I decided to keep my daughter, I examined the finance. I have considered how I could finish school. I consider his farm with his biological father - an idea I veto immediately with his friend offers to continue our relationship. I consider even how to plan his days for optimal intellectual development. But along the way, it never came to ask me if I was ready to commit to being a parent. Casey Anthony: Porn Star?
Babies are all consumers, and after the birth of my daughter I was took in recovery, the food, the admiration of her beauty, my love for her - and pressure to follow in the school. Once I adjusted to have a baby, and she began to me to sleep a night, the actual consequences of being a young single mother unpleasantly me: I was bored and lonely.
I was 22, single and had a baby asleep before 8 p.m., which is about two hours before that most college students hit the city. My friends, celebrating our impending college graduate, has maintained the party high energy of life that I had already participated. My young liver screamed to play Cup Flip victims of abuse and to make the shots of Jagermeister in the small hours of the morning - even wee hours when my daughter would awake who need me to be a parent. I was only at the level of responsibility, and sometimes it is squarely aspirated.
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